When a severe hailstorm hit the 12 buildings in this condo association, there was widespread destruction. Each condo housed two families. From our perspective, we were serving 24 affected families. Aurum Contracting was called in to inspect the damage and work closely with the insurance adjusters. Together we made sure all of the damage was uncovered, documented and fully replaced.



The goal was to get all of the roofs replaced in the shortest amount of time on budget. We coordinated multiple teams simultaneously and were able to get all 12 condo units (500 square feet of shingles) done inside of two weeks. There were a handful of minor setbacks but our experienced teams finished under budget and on time.



As you drive into this neighborhood, it’s hard not to notice that all the homes look amazing. The volume of work done in an entire neighborhood was not only a significant visual facelift but helped support the property values as well.  Because of our efficiencies and experience, we saved a total of $155,000. Since the completion of this project, we’ve had 5 additional contracts from these homeowners. Projects like this take considerable resources and a skilled team.  This job was a perfect fit for Aurum Contracting.